Dr.Deepti Mundkur



Personalized Care by Dr.Deepti Mundkur

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Doctor-patient relationship is what really makes the difference. Hour-long appointments and clear upfront prices for all services by Dr.Deepti.


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★ Direct message Dr.Deepti  ★ Free Video Teleappointments ★ Two free house visits  in a year ★ Same or Next Day access ★ 90% discount on most labs, meds, imaging and more

$159 per month

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⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Patient Review

Dr Deepti is the best doctor I have ever had and I am 87 years old. She saved my life, stopped the antibiotics that I was taking and they were killing me. Also changed my blood pressure pills that were too strong. Believe me, you will not be sorry.

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